Monday, November 2, 2009

Windows 7

Windows 7 is here! The next-generation of Microsoft's Windows operating system was released in late October and is making a huge impact. Windows 7 is a more secure and faster operating system than Windows XP and Vista and proves to be Microsoft's new flagship product. By now you have heard all about it you may be wondering if it is any good and is it going to be another Vista? At ODI we have been testing and evaluating Windows 7 for quite some time and we can say without a shadow of a doubt Windows 7 is a great operating system. For those who have been plagued by Vista's shortcomings we highly recommend upgrading to Windows 7. Are you in the market for a new PC but you really would rather stick with Windows XP? We are here to tell you that sticking with Windows XP will only be limiting the power of your computer and your productivity. As Microsoft states, "Windows 7 is the PC simplified." There have been so many improvements and new features that come from years of end-user feedback and this time Microsoft finally got it right. If you are are worried about switching - don't be. Windows 7 makes everything much more simpler. More important than that is the speed and stability and new and improved security features coupled with new technologies to boost performance. It really make Windows 7 a force to be reckoned with.

If you have any questions or need any help with Windows 7, ODI Consulting is here to help you! If you are tired and frustrated with the problems of your current PC and are thinking of making the switch to a Mac, we highly recommend you give Windows 7 a try. We think you will be glad you did.

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